
Sony Bravia LED and LED TV Best Prices KSA

Here the Top Price List of  Sony Bravia LED and LED TV. You can Enjoyed these Offers from Carre four.
You can also see Samsung, Panasonic, Philips and JVC LCD , LED Prices at my Blog.

Sony Bravia LED TV HX 750 Series 40 Inch: 4979 SR
Sony Bravia LED TV EX 310 Series 32 Inch: 1799 SR

Sony Bravia LCD TV CX 520 Series 32 Inch: 1699 SR
Sony Bravia LCD TV CX 350 Series: 1499 SR
Sony Bravia LCD TV BX 450 Series 40 Inch: 2179 SR
Sony Bravia LCD TV BX 350 Series 32 Inch: 1299 SR
Sony Bravia LCD TV BX 450 Series 46 Inch: 3979 SR

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